Work done by CHEBBAH Mehdi
Table of ContentsIntroductionImplementationPhase 1: Creation of key pairs1. Script for creating key pairsObtained results:Note:Phase 2: Session key exchange1. Session key generation and encryption scriptObtained results:Note:2. Decryption script and verification of non-repudiation and integrity of the session keyObtained results:Phase 3: Exchange of messages1. Messages encryption scriptObtained results:Note:2. Messages decryption script Obtained results:Note:
In this tutorial we will implement a hybrid secure exchange protocol that guarantees the following security services:
For this we will try to implement the system whose design has been previously established:
Concerning this part, we will divide it into 3 phases:
In this phase each of the two protagonists will create their own key pair a public key and a private key (PKi
and SKi
3# Ask the user to type the password
4read -sp 'Entrez le mot de pass: ' mypass
6# Generate a private key for RSA (skA.pem) then encrypt it using the DES algorithm and the password 'mypasswd'
7openssl genrsa -out skA.pem -passout pass:$mypass -des 512
9# Generation of the public key (pkA.pem) associated with the private key (skA.pem)
10openssl rsa -in skA.pem -passin pass:$mypass -out pkA.pem -pubout
and pkA.pem
in the current directory (of Alice)Re-execute the script in Bob's directory changing skA.pem
and pkA.pem
to skB.pem
and pkB.pem
)In the opening of the session Alice will randomly generate a session key that will be communicated to Bob, this key will be encrypted using Bob's public key, the signature will be guaranteed in this transfer (this is the role of asymmetric encryption in this hybrid system)
3# Generation of a random key of 64 bytes then save it in the kAB file
4openssl rand 16 > kAB
6# Encrypting the kAB file with Bob's public key
7openssl rsautl -in kAB -out kAB.crypt -inkey pkB.pem -pubin -encrypt
9# Hash the kAB key with MD5 and write the result in binary format.
10openssl dgst -md5 -binary -out kAB.md5 kAB
12# Signature of the kAB hash by Alice's private key
13openssl rsautl -in kAB.md5 -out kAB.md5.sign -sign -inkey skA.pem
15# Delete kAB.md5 (temporary file)
16rm -f kAB.md5
file containing the session key.kAB.crypt
file containing the kAB
file containing the session key's hash signature.The two files (kAB.crypt
and kAB.md5.sign
) will be sent to Bob and deleted from Alice's directory
3# Decryption of the received file kAB.crypt by the private key (skB.pem)
4openssl rsautl -decrypt -in kAB.crypt -out kAB -inkey skB.pem
6# Hash of the kAB with MD5.
7openssl dgst -md5 -binary -out kAB1.md5 kAB
9# Verification of the signature of the received files using the public key of Alice
10openssl rsautl -in kAB.md5.sign -out kAB2.md5 -pubin -inkey pkA.pem
12# Comparison of the result of the received kAB Hash and the sent kAB Hash
13var1=$(cat kAB1.md5)
14var2=$(cat kAB2.md5)
15if [ "$var1" == "$var2" ]
16 then
17 # Deleting temporary files
18 rm -f kAB.crypt kAB1.md5 kAB.md5.sign kAB2.md5
19 echo "La cle a ete correctement transmis."
20 # Display the message 'Press any key to exit' and wait for a character
21 read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to exit"
22 exit 0 # Exit with success code
23 else
24 # Deleting temporary files
25 rm -f kAB.crypt kAB1.md5 kAB.md5.sign kAB2.md5
26 echo "Attention, la cle a ete modifie."
27 # Display the message 'Press any key to exit' and wait for a character
28 read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to exit"
29 exit 1 # Exit with failure code
file containing the session key sent by Alice After the establishment of the two previous phases it is now possible to send messages between Alice and Bob using symmetric encryption for confidentiality and private key encryption for signature
3# Encryption of the message (Message.txt) with the symmetric key (kAB)
4openssl enc -des-cbc -in Message.txt -out Message.crypt -pass file:kAB
6# Hash of the message (Message.txt) by the MD5 algorithm
7openssl dgst -md5 -binary -out Message.md5 Message.txt
9# Signature of the message hash with the private key of Alice
10openssl rsautl -in Message.md5 -out Message.md5.sign -sign -inkey skA.pem
12# Deleting intermediate files
13rm -f Message.md5
containing the message encrypted with the session key kAB.Message.md5.sign
containing the signature of the message hashThe two files (Message.crypt
and Message.md5.sign
) will be sent to Bob and then deleted from Alice's directory
3# Decryption of the received file Message.crypt by the kAB session key using the DES algorithm and the CBC strategy
4openssl enc -in Message.crypt -out Message.txt -pass file:kAB -d -des-cbc
6# Verification of the signature of the files received using Alice's public key
7openssl rsautl -in Message.md5.sign -out Msg1.md5 -pubin -inkey pkA.pem
9# Hash the message
10openssl dgst -md5 -binary -out Msg2.md5 Message.txt
12# Comparison of the result of the received kAB Hash and the sent kAB Hash
13var1=$(cat Msg1.md5)
14var2=$(cat Msg2.md5)
15if [ "$var1" == "$var2" ]
16 then
17 # Deleting temporary files
18 rm -f Message.crypt Msg1.md5 Message.md5.sign Msg2.md5
19 echo "Le message est transmi avec succe. Vous pouvez le consuler dans Message.txt"
20 # Display the message 'Press any key to exit' and wait for a character
21 read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to exit"
22 exit 0 # Exit with success code
23 else
24 # Deleting temporary files
25 rm -f Message.crypt Msg1.md5 Message.md5.sign Msg2.md5
26 echo "Echec du transmission du message (Le message a ete modiffier)."
27 # Display the message 'Press any key to exit' and wait for a character
28 read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to exit"
29 exit 1 # Exit with failure code
containing the message received from Alice.Message.txt
') in case the transmission is correct (the received message is the same as the sent message). Or the display of a failure message ('Message transmission failed (The message has been modified).') in case the sent message and the received message are different.Bob can now read the message sent by Alice.